Use our Membership Payments page to pay with PayPal.
About SALA Membership
The South Asian Literary Association has about a hundred members, from South Asia, Europe, and North America. Membership to the South Asian Literature Association runs for a calendar year. For your dues, you will receive a year’s subscription to the refereed journal South Asian Review (SAR) as well as the SALA Newsletter. $5.00 of each membership for Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor goes toward SALA’s Graduate Student Fund, which helps support graduate student travel to the annual conference.
SALA Fee Schedule 2024-25
Student or Part-time Faculty: $35
Instructor, Independent Scholar, Retired
Faculty, or Assistant Professor: $45
Associate Professor: $55
Full Professor: $65
(Please remember that $5.00 of each membership for Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor goes toward SALA’s Graduate Student Fund)
Please use our Membership Payments page to pay with PayPal.
If you have a question, please contact Moumin Quazi, SALA treasurer.